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Recreational fishing in chioggia sottomarina

Recreational fishing

Recreational fishing is a new way to view tourism and hospitality. A Vacation dedicated to discovering the sea and its traditions in search of its most authentic roots in the lagoon of Chioggia. An intense and interesting day to make known to our guests all the activities linked to the world of fishing, tasting the day’s catch aboard the boat, cooked according to ancient local recipes, and offering the chance to gaze upon some of the most evocative scenery in the world. Spending a day aboard a fishing boat next to the fishermen, getting the know the coastal environment and the secrets hidden in the marine depths.

To observe the most ancient and fascinating fishing methods, to taste fresh-caught fish thus rediscovering the local traditional recipes, game fishing on board, swimming in places which are inaccessible by land and discovering small nature jewels. Recreational fishing may be done throughout the whole year, but surely the months from April until August are the most suitable. The boat is equipped with all the necessary safety equipment (life rings, life buoy and life rafts for the larger boats) and sanitary materials.

Recreational fishing in venetian lagoon

Who may participate? Recreational fishing is open to all, with the possibility to take on board even children under 14 years of age if they are accompanied by a person who is of legal age. It is suitable for those who live in the city and wish to have a taste of nature.

What type of clothing should be worn? Just a t-shirt and shorts, with perhaps a bathing suit. You will have the chance to view some of the territory’s most evocative places, guided by our fishermen to discover history, myths and traditions. A day at sea on the characteristic Chioggio-esque boats.

You will try your hand at fishing activities and getting to the know the various fish species alongside us. You will wed the sea according to the ancient local ritual, passed on from father to son for innumerable generations and yet maintaining its indescribable charm. You will dock in uncontaminated beaches to enjoy a sea of a thousand colours and you will taste the catch aboard the boat, cooked according to the ancient seafarer’s custom.


Nonno renzo

nonno renzo

- Excursions in the Venetian lagoon  
- Lunch/dinner on board
web page

nonno renzo nonno renzo


Catamarano Comfort

catamarano comfort

- Excursions in the Venetian lagoon
- Mackerel fishing
web page


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