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The cities of Art near Chioggia



Padua is a journey into the past and in the present, amongst ancient history, traditions and art. Padua is a city full of beauty, and this can be seen in places like the restored Building of Reason and the Loggia of the Carraresi family that bears witness to the splendor of the Carraresi rule, in the Chapel of the Scrovegni with its precious frescoes by Giotto, in sculptures by Donatello or in the more modern lines of the Libeskinds monument.It is a walk amongst the magnificence of old buildings, amongst the spirituality breathed in the Churches - amongst the Basilicas of St. Anthony, St. Justin (Santa Giustina), the Duomo with its Roman Baptistery, amongst the daily bustle of the city markets of the Piazza delle Erbe and Piazza della Frutta, amongst the grandeur of Prato della Valle and under the millenary porticos. Padua is also a city of science with its university in the ancient Building del Bo and along the boulevards of Europe's first University Botanical Garden.

Today, this creative and dynamic city is alive with markets, piazzas, refined restaurants, old osterias, and tables of the historical bars like Caffè Pedrocchi or the fashionable venues where the locals meet for the ritual of the aperitif.



Walking in the streets of the historical center or along the banks of the Adige, the city of love shows us all of her wonders. Verona shows its alternation of various dominations through its architecture: from the settlement of the Romans, to the age of commons, to the era of the Signoria of the Scaliger family until its Venetian and Habsburg dominations.

The majestic Arena is found in the very central Piazza Bra, the Roman amphitheater that for decades has hosted the prestigious summer opera season. The Barbieri Building and the Building of the Gran Guardia overlook the "liston", the large sidewalk that follows the line of the square. The other noble buildings of this square frequented by the locals and tourists from around the world.

The House of Juliet with its famous balcony welcomes thousands of visitors fascinated by the story of Romeo and Juliet, the two lovers of Shakespeare's famous tragedy.

It is a pleasure to walk through Piazza delle Erbe, and mingle with the people that animate the daily city market. Piazza dei Signori with its Building of Cangrande, the Loggia of Fra Giocondo, and the Building of the Ragione shows those passing by the maximum splendor that this city once lived during the Signoria of the Scaliger family.

The Duomo is also worth visiting, this religious building is home to the famous altarpiece by Tiziano, and is not far from the Basilica of Saint Anastasia and the Roman Theatre. Don't miss a visit to the Basilica of San Zeno, a fascinating example of Romanesque architecture, and Castelvecchio, the ancient manor house erected in the fourteenth century by Cangrande della Scala, now houses the Civic Museum of Verona.



Rovigo lies in the heart of the Polesine and is caressed by a sea breeze coming from the nearby Po Delta. It is the least showy of all the cities of the Veneto region. Tourists find many interesting artistic, cultural and environmental elements in this city.

The architectural remains found along the streets tell of a city founded as a feud between bishops that was enriched with monuments and buildings during medieval times. The Donà Tower, the emblem of the city, and the Mozza tower, the remains of the ancient medieval fortress stand out from the rest of the buildings of the city.

The elegant Buildings of Roncale and Roverella, in the city center, are examples of the Serenissima Republic. The restored Building of Roverella is the new home of the gallery of the Accademia dei Concordi, one of the most important of the Veneto region that hosts contemporary exhibitions.

The Sanctuary of the Beata Vergine del Soccorso, called the Rotonda is of particular interest because of its octagonal shape. The Rotonda is next to the Longhena bell tower.
The Duomo is not far and is another religious building that still has Baroque architectural features. Those looking for a peaceful place can visit the Olivetian Monastery of San Bartolomeo. To get a better idea of Rovigo and its traditions, a visit to the Museum of Big Rivers (Museo dei Grandi Fiumi) is a must. This museum is dedicated to the history of the peasant civilization suspended between land and water and that is always tied to the rhythms of the Po River and nearby sea.



Treviso is a city to visit in any season, with the slow pace of those who want to savor every corner, discover original views, and breathe the peaceful city life.

Piazza dei Signori is the heart of the city and a meeting place for the locals. The Building of the Trecento and the elegant Loggia Dei Cavalieri can be found in this piazza.

The rivers Sile and Cagnan that slip between the streets give a unique charm to the old town surrounded by ancient walls. The houses with their beautifully painted facades reflect on the Buranelli canal and the Island of the Fish, which was created in the river Cagnan to accommodate the fish market and shows that Treviso has a close relationship with its water.

The Duomo is a remarkable monument and the frescoes by Pordenone and an altar piece with the Annunciation by Titan can be found in its Malchiostro chapel. Other treasures are enclosed in Museum Center of Santa Caterina dei Servi di Maria, including the story of Sant'Orsola by Tommaso da Modena, and masterpieces by G. Bellini, Lotto, Tiziano, and J. Bassano.

The Dominican church of San Nicolò, with its famous Capitolo room filled with frescoes by Tommaso da Modena is also worth visiting. The Cararresi House is a great place for art lovers as it has hosted many international exhibits in the past few years.


Declared a World Heritage by Unesco in 1994, Vicenza is decorated with a majestic architecture signed by only one name: Andrea Palladio.

The architectural genius has left the clearest sign of his art here and thanks to Palladio; we can admire buildings of incomparable elegance today. Among these is the Palladian Basilica, there is a breathtaking view of the three squares below from the top floor, and the beautiful Loggia of the Capitan.

As a backdrop the lively city life, there are three other works by the great architect: Palazzo Chiericati, today's Civic Museum and Art Gallery, Palazzo Barbaran da Porto, home of the Palladian Museum and Palazzo Valmarana. Of particular value for its "dramatic" effect, is the architectural work of the Olympic Theatre, later finished by Scamozzi.

At the gates of Vicenza we find one of its most architectural symbols, the country house Villa Almerico-Capra, also called La Rotonda, famous for the particular development of the central plan that fits harmoniously into the natural setting of the Berici Hills.

The Basilica of Monte Berico is not far from the town center on the hill that dominates the city. It is the house to precious works of arts such as the painting of the Dinner of S. Gregory the Great by Paolo Veronese.

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