Useful services in Chioggia


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Delta del Po

The Delta and the River Po

Land torn from its river, which marches inexorably with its infinite branches, its inlets, its generous curves, moving slowly towards the sea. The majestic work of nature joined to man’s intervention, who has for centuries struggled to keep the land from the water, draining swamp areas, damming the river to maintain the water at the right level, they have created a truly unique and extraordinary scene.

An uncontaminated environment which offers infinite naturalistic spots, both for the more expert visitor, who has the opportunity to discover truly new experiences here, as well as those who simply wish to dive in and breath nature in, taking pleasure from the colours, sounds, smells. It is truly wonderful to walk through the streets across the banks at sunset which seem to meet the horizon, exiled tongues in lands suspended between the water and the sky.

Escursioni Delta del Po

In this setting, which continues for kilometres, further than eye can measure, in a completely flat region, you will experience unique emotions. Immersed in the quiet of the great river, where time seems to be stopped, stationary, you can discover and observe the many forms of life, splendidly suited to their majestic surrounds.

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