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Monuments in Chioggia: Refugium Peccatorium

Refugium Peccatorium chioggia

Probably one of the most characteristic and evocative places in all of Chioggia, situated next to the Duomo, and commonly known by the populace as the “sagraeto” (small parvis). It is so named because of the statue of Madonna with Child, surmounted by a golden cupola. Once upon a time the statue was situated on the steps of the city’s old palazzo, and those who had been sentenced to death passed in front of it to say their last prayers.

Refugium Peccatorium chioggia

Immagini fotografiche tra fine Ottocento e metà Novecento
tratte dal libro "Chioggia, terra tra le acque" a cura di Gianni Scarpa:

Refugium Peccatorum chioggia

Autore della foto in bianco e nero:
T. Filippi - collezione Museo Correr - Venezia titolo: Refugium Peccatorum - anno: inizio '900

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